Introducing ShareFile
ShareFile is an online file sharing portal that provides a secure way to share important documents. We can upload documents for your review, e.g. accounts, corporation tax returns and personal tax returns, and you can upload documents for us, e.g. bank statements, sales invoices.
RightSignature is a complimentary product to ShareFile that allows documents to be signed using digital signatures.
The benefits of ShareFile over email
ShareFile provides several benefits over email, including...
- More secure transfer and storage of sensitive documents
- Very large file sizes – up to 100GB
- The ability to digitally sign documents using RightSignature
An addition to email, not a replacement
ShareFile will provide a convenient way of sharing sensitive documents between us. However, for everyday communication that does not contain sensitive information we will continue to use email.
Getting started, more information and help
The information in this guide should help to get you up and running with ShareFile and address some common questions around security and compliance with GDPR.
If you want more information about ShareFile and RightSignature, there’s a lot more detail here and here
If you still have questions or need some help, just contact your usual accountant at MG Group and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have, and can talk you through any of the steps below.